Just a few thoughts now that I'm caught up with the latest, super sexy installment of the Doctor Who spinoff.
The story is finally starting to move a bit, even if it does rely on the "evil drug company" motif. It's not that I object (or disagree), it's just that shadowy, evil big businesses are the second most popular bad guy these days (right after shadowy, evil big government, also present here).
I don't believe the Bill Pullman as "evil killer who turns evangelist" one bit, in part because there's a real fundamental misunderstanding of current American law here. Sex offenders can be kept in prison long after their sentences are up, including a child-killer like the character.
The new characters are still struggling to find their roles, but have some potential in a science-fiction "24" kind of way.
On the upside, John Barrowman and Eve Miles still have great chemistry together (Capt. Jack and Gwen have always been the engines of the show, even more so now that the rest of the originals have been offed) and there are some wonderful, seat-of-their-pants action set pieces that keep it all moving. And they do science! I'm not sure if any of it really makes any sense or not, but it's not just a matter of magic hand waving over the super computer (OK, there is some of that too).
Best of all, Jack is still his old omnisexual self and definitely gay, as his hook up in the third episode proved.
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